Feb 11, 2023Liked by Samantha Dion Baker

I so love this new format--it feels like more space and time. You have really inspired me to watch the light and shadows in my house, how great is that?!?! I noticed when I started to draw and paint, which was only a couple of years ago, how I looked at everything differently....beyond what my mind tells me at first glance....and now you are waking up my awareness again and inviting me to watch the light inside my house. I love it, thanks❣️And lastly that series of pictures of your son are astounding! It’s like he’s growing in front of my eyes as I slide through them repeatedly. I love noticing the posture, the clothing, the hair....it all tells a story❣️Thanks so much for sharing that💙

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Thank you, Suzanne! So happy to know you are noticing things around you and my post sparks more inspiration ❤️

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Feb 10, 2023Liked by Samantha Dion Baker

I found you recently when I started using Substack and I’m so happy about it! Your texts are a delight to read and your paintings fill my heart with awe - and inspire me to paint, too!

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Hi Sam, that’s wonderful!

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Feb 10, 2023Liked by Samantha Dion Baker

I love this story! It is beautifully written and has reminded me why I fell in love with art in the first place. The way it makes you feel, the creativity it brings out in people, and the memories it leaves us with as time goes by. Your paintings and sketches are breathtaking and the photographs of your son are extremely heartwarming. I look forward to seeing more of your work. Both of your writing and your paintings. :)

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So nice to read this comment. Thank you for the feedback. It means so much!

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So beautiful! I'm also obsessed with watching the light/shadows in my home (in Shetland Islands, Scotland so quite far away!). I loved seeing your photos and paintings, especially the way you've documented your son in the same spot. My kitchen is where I watch the light most since there's French doors, a window and a skylight so it tends to be travelling across the wall in one direction or another. I love how the light can change a while scene and make those everday moments magic. ✨

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Your kitchen sounds so lovely with all of the opportunities for light to shine in at different times of the day. So nice to meet you!

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You too! Looking forward to reading more of your archive. 😊

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Feb 16, 2023Liked by Samantha Dion Baker

This is so well written Samantha, you not only draw amazingly, you are truly a complete artist! I was reading and feeling every word ❤️ I started to observe more the light and shadows around me when I found your work on Instagram a few years ago (at that time I didn't even start drawing), and have a lot of photographs which make me happy to have so many beautiful memories. Drawing them is still tricky for me but with time I will get there...

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Thank you so much, Teresa. The photographs serve some of the same purpose. Keep taking them!

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Samantha Dion Baker

Very inspiring, I love the photos of your son by the window. I have a view of a mountain out the front of our house that I love and out the other side I can see our beautiful Golden Elm and the house where my pet rabbits live. I love both views but have never tried to paint them, maybe that will be a challenge for me this year. Thank you.

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I hope you try and paint that view!

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Feb 14, 2023Liked by Samantha Dion Baker

I love the story of your apartment and watching the growth of your son and the seeing the beautiful cherished still life that catches the late afternoon sun. Why would you want to leave a home with such memories! Thanks for this story.

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The photos of your younger son particularly resonate in this post. We're in the phase shown in the upper left photo, and it's a good reminder that it goes fast and to savor the moment. Love this peek into your space and the quirks that make it endearing!

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Feb 13, 2023Liked by Samantha Dion Baker

This was quite moving to read, especially seeing the photos of your son at the window. And that still life is so beautiful!

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Feb 13, 2023Liked by Samantha Dion Baker

I love looking at life (door knobs, the daily things, growth) through the eyes of others. I've long enjoyed your art. I'm now enjoying your perspective and thoughts. Thank you for sharing them!

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Thank you for your beautiful perspective on daily life and its beauty. If we take time, we can see beauty all around us! Love the photography and your paintings! 🍃

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Feb 11, 2023Liked by Samantha Dion Baker

Hi Samantha, thanks a lot for your text and your nice works. I do have a favourite site in my living-room, close to the windows a red leather armchair around lunch time when sun goes through the cristal I sit there reading a book and it is my own while of the week

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Feb 10, 2023Liked by Samantha Dion Baker

I Started drawing very recently and I am so surprised to discover how superficial my "old way" of looking was. Thank you.

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Feb 10, 2023Liked by Samantha Dion Baker

You're right, Sam. I do have those places. The art in my house is full of memories. Thanks for the idea!

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Feb 10, 2023Liked by Samantha Dion Baker

This post has just cheered me up and made me quite nostalgic. There are so many places I’ve lived that I wish I had a draw your day practice because it would have been so good to look back at my sketchbooks. But I do have the (millions of!) photos and you’re right some of them I could never have done justice

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Photos and sketchbooks - it all brings us back. And you can always try and paint from the old photos. Using the past images to inspire you today.

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Feb 10, 2023Liked by Samantha Dion Baker

I love everything about this. The light, the art, and your words. I love the view across the street and especially love the drawing with the tree close up and large. I love trees. I don't really have inspirational places in my current house. I moved here 5 years ago, and while I have a lot of art hanging here and a nice home, I don't have a favorite place. Sadly, I keep blinds closed to help hold in the heat, and I miss the nature. In my other house, literally next door, I did have such a spot. It was my upstairs bedroom, in the back of the house. I could look out the window to our tiny yard, which was surrounded on 4 sides, 3 garages and the house. I loved seeing this little view - calm and private.

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Hi Mary, I bet there is a tiny corner or a vignette in your home that you love. Maybe your writing desk with all of your fountain pens? And art on the walls that you enjoy looking at - that is very much what this post is about - as much as the slivers of light.

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